Something wonderful happened this year.
I became a writer.
And I started claiming to be one, too. On Substack, my bio says, “Drawer, doodler, occasional writer.”
The thing is, I’ve been writing since I was a kid. Diary entries, short stories, essays my dad would ask me to write as a way for me to earn money for the school fair, then later on, Livejournals, blog entries, posts with long captions on my Instagram and Facebook…
But never more than that.
I never considered myself a writer. I’m just someone who likes to write and who BS’d my way through school by writing big words in my essays so my high school teachers can’t understand (I’d get high marks for them, and I’d smirk at finding out which teachers I can outsmart).
In April of this year, my former faith community asked me to contribute regular written reflections about finding God in the ordinary and the mundane.
Suddenly I was a writer— writing for other people, and doing it weekly, too.
In doing so I realized I may have a voice and another gift, apart from drawing. And that I would need to honor God’s gift by honing, developing, and cultivating it by writing more.
So here I am on Substack.
I don’t know how this works, but I’ll learn and find myself along the way :)